Sunday 13 December 2015


In the evening hours of Wednesday the 9th of this month the prestigious Time magazine released a statement to the mainstream media that it has selected Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel as the “Time magazine person of the year “2015 making her the fourth woman in history to be given the title, previous winners being Wallis Warfield Simpsons the divorcee of king Edward VIII, queen Elizabeth II and Corazon Aquino president of the Philippines (1986). 

     Angela Merkel is currently the world’s most powerful female being The chancellor of Germany, earning a PhD in quantum chemistry, presiding over the richest economy in Europe and is a central broker in a massive euro bailout deal.   She is currently in her third parliamentary term as chancellor of Germany and she hardly faces any form of opposition in her country.

Early life:


     Angela Dorothea Kasner was born to Herlind Kasner an English and Latin teacher and horst Kasner a theologian and Lutheran minister in Hamburg West Germany on July 17 1954. Her childhood was shaped by “the stasi” the West German secret police and she also was good in card games. As a teenager her parents encouraged her to join the communist youth organization “the freie deutsche jugend” or free German youth so as to develop skills for a career in politics.


She excelled in academics, especially math science and languages. In high school she failed a major physics course which motivated her to pursue a degree from the University of Leipzig in physics to prove her mastery of the subject.
Angela completed a doctorate degree at the University of Leipzig in 1978. She was then employed by the Central Institute for Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, where she worked as a chemist for two years. She also went on to study at the elite German academy of science in berlin. She gained her PhD in 1986

Love Life:

While studying in the University of Leipzig she fell in love with a fellow physics student Ulrich Merkel whom she met during a Russian exchange trip. They married in 1977 and later divorced in 1982 but surprisingly she still goes by his name till date. She later married Joachim Sauer a chemistry professor.


In 1989 she started her career in politics by joining the center right activists of the democratic awakening party were unpacked boxes of new computers and set them up. A year later she became the party’s spokeswoman and renamed the party the “Allianz fur Deutschland” or alliance for Germany. She wore her trademark baggy skirts with sandals and kept a cropped haircut and was often taunted by her male colleagues for her awkward dress sense.  
      Merkel's rise to the top accelerated when she joined the largest party in West Germany, Christlich Demokratische union. She was selected for multiple positions by Helmet Kohl, her mentor and the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, or CDU.

He appointed her as minister for women and, a few years later, as minister of the environment, where she oversaw controversial topics like nuclear safety.

Political achievements:

She took down the leader of her party Helmet kohl who also happened to be her mentor calling for his resignation after exposing him for using party funds to reward his

She made history when she was elected chairman of her          party  making her the first woman to lead a major German party.

 She began her campaign against the ruling socialist party and their leader Gerhard Schroder.

She brokered a massive bailout for nineteen nations Greece being the latest

 She defeated this party and was made chancellor of Germany in 2005


She is loved by Germans and has admirers all over the globe for her massive achievements in both education and politics. She is also a lover of sports. 
Amid an unprecedented influx of asylum-seeking Syrian refugees and ever-increasing fears of terrorist attacks Angela Merkel vowed to work toward a viable solution as opposed to turning the refugees away.

     Although she is facing stark criticism for her handling of the refugee crisis, Time magazine chose German Chancellor Angela Merkel as the 2015 Person of the Year, as she has a proven history of “steadfast moral leadership.”

And that’s about it on ANGELA MERKEL the current chancellor of Germany and the “time magazine person of the year “2015. A friendly reminder that the time magazine person of the year title is NOT an award as controversial figures like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin,  Nikita Khrushchev and ayatollah Khomeini have gotten the title before.
Runners up to this year’s edition were Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner, Isis leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, UBER ceo Travis kalanick , my favorite world leader Vladimir Vladmivorich  Putin and president of Iran Hassan Rouhani.  
                                                                                      Danke !   


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